Parenthood was the show that originally exposed me to the world of behavior therapy and ultimately started me on the path towards becoming a BCBA. In the early seasons, Max Braverman (played by actor Max Burkholder) works with a behavior therapist after his inflexible thinking about day to day routines becomes too difficult for his family to work through alone. The clip below shows a small example of what an in-home ABA session might look like. Parenthood not only introduced us to idea of behavior therapy, but it was one of the first shows on television that gave its audience an insight into the family dynamic of living with a child diagnosed with Autism.
Amazon has recently announced that Parenthood creator, Jason Katims, is bringing a new series about the experiences of three young adults with autism to your TV. Amazon describes the new show as “coming-of-age comedic drama” about “three 20-something roommates on the autism spectrum, striving for the same things that we all desire: To get a job, keep a job, make friends, fall in love and navigate a world that eludes them.” Not only will we get to see a glimpse into living as an adult with Autism, the show includes the less sensationalized female person diagnosed with Autism. If this new show is anything like Parenthood, I know that it will touch the hearts and capture the attention of families everywhere.
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